Saturday, July 2, 2011

Date Night Scheduled

This is the most recent pic I could find of a date night that my husband and I recently went on.  Fancy, huh?  It was a Benefit Gala back in April.  I know that we've gone on at least one date night since then (looking a lot less fancy), but probably only one and it was for our wedding anniversary.

This weekend we were planning on joining family down in Rehoboth Beach to celebrate the holiday weekend, but yesterday our 5 year old Beluga woke up not feeling good and slept about the whole day.  We decided to see how he felt this morning to decide if we would go down.  He felt better, but not 100% and we didn't think that going to the beach in the hot sun when you aren't feeling too great would be good for him.  So we are home for the weekend- a 3 day weekend.  It's rare that we have weekends where we don't have any plans.  So, I decided that tomorrow night would be a great time to take on Life Without Pink and MommyFriend's July Project Marriage Challenge- to have a Date Night.

So as long as my hubbie's parents are up for watching the boys, we're going on a date night!  Part of the challenge is to try and go the whole night without talking about the kids.  Now that will be difficult, but I'm going to try and keep the kid talk to a minimum.  I might have to read the paper tomorrow to have something to talk about :b  Now we have to decide where to go.

 Edit:  About 2 hours after I wrote this blog, my 2 1/2 year old woke up from his nap with a fever!  He's starting to feel better, but still isn't great.  So Date Night will not be happening tonight :(  Maybe we'll try to rent a movie or something?

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