Friday, April 29, 2011

Sample Certificates/ Articles of Incorporation for Nonprofits

I've been researching the process of incorporating the After School Program as a Nonprofit/ Exempt Corporation.  I found two websites that give good sample Articles of Incorporation for Nonprofits:

This is very helpful as the Delaware Division of Corporations gives instructions on what needs to be in the article, but not an exact sample.  Also they state that the IRS requires specific verbiage be in the Certificate when applying for tax-exempt status. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


So the name that I am toying around with right now is Mind, Heart and Strength- Children's Community Learning Program.  The original name that I was considering was Delaware's Children's Community Learning Program but I wanted a name that was fun and drew people into finding out more about the program while still conveying it's message.  The program will focus on five main parts- education, health, social skills, diversity and safety.  I feel that Mind, Heart and Strength touch on all those parts.  I also took out the part that said Delaware because if this program is successful and helpful to children in our community, I would like for the program to be able to expand to other states in order to help kids all over. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Starting an After School Program- The Beginning

In less than one month, I will be graduating with my Master's in Social Work from Delaware State University.  I've decided that with my degree in hand, I will be trying to implement an After School Program for children in the State of Delaware.  While I'm still in the beginning stages, I have a lot of ideas and support and I've decided to take you along on my journey.  Here is my current After School Project Proposal:


Presented by: Nicole Outten
10 April 2011

Delaware Children’s Community Learning Program

Delaware Children’s Community Learning Program (DCCLP) will be a non-profit afterschool program for children in kindergarten to twelfth grade.  DCCLP will focus on using extended hours from 2 pm to 6 pm to increase learning time by focusing on education and tutoring to help improve children’s homework assignments, reading and academic levels. While focusing on education, DCCLP will also incorporate many other important aspects in a child’s life such as diversity and cultural competence, personal and social skills, physical education and health in a safe location where the children’s individual strengths will be emphasized. DCCLP will start in the Wilmington/Claymont area and expand throughout the State of Delaware. This program will be free or low-cost to families. The purpose of this paper is to introduce you to the ideas behind DCCLP and the benefits to our community in Delaware.

Mission, values, goals and objectives of DDCLP


DCCLP’s Mission is to enhance the lives of children and youth in the state of Delaware through a comprehensive extended education afterschool program.  We look at the child as a whole in their community and environment.   We will focus on improving the health, personal and social skills while providing a safe haven for children and youth to thrive.  We embrace cultural diversity, awareness and competency. We strive to have strong partnerships with families, schools and the community.


DCCLP believes that all children deserve a chance to achieve their best potential. We will provide the resources to help children and youth reach their academic goals.  We will incorporate activities to promote physical health.  We will provide social and cultural learning opportunities.  We believe that no child, youth, family or community member should be judged based on their race, religion, gender, national origin or socio-economic status.


The Goal of DCCLP is to provide a macro solution to the micro problems that children in our community and the State of Delaware are facing. Through tutoring, DCCLP will help students with an increased completion and quality of homework assignments. DCCLP will also help to improve children’s reading levels and help the students meet academic standards.  In addition to the educational goals, DCCLP will help improve the children’s personal skills, social skills and self-esteem.  Also, by including health and physical education, DCCLP will help to lower obesity rates in children in our community while at the same time providing a safe environment.


First it will be necessary to find an appropriate location to set up DCCLP.  After a location has been established, DCCLP will help to increase completion of quality of homework assignments and reading and academic levels by setting up separate homework centers, providing supplies and tutors that will support children and youth with their academic goals.  This will allow children and youth the space, structure, time and attention necessary to improve their academics.  
We will use evidence-based skill training programs to help promote personal skills, social skills and self-esteem.  For example, the Stop and Think Social Skill Program teaches valuable skills such as dealing with teasing, ignoring distractions, handling peer pressure and setting goals.
Understanding diversity will be incorporated by having programs and activities established.  
We will incorporate the 5-2-1- Almost None Formula of eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, limiting screen time to no more than two hours a day, getting at least one hour of physical activity a day and drinking almost no sugary beverages into our program by educating the children with billboards and activities and promoting healthy snacks and physical activity at DCCLP.  

Description of Service Delivery System

DCCLP will achieve their goals and objectives by incorporating different members of the community from educational and social services staff to volunteer services.  In the beginning the program will consist of three paid staff members - one Program Director with a Masters in Social Work and two Educational Coordinators with a Masters or Bachelors in Education, and will continue to expand with tutors, group leaders, activity specialists, site coordinators and administrative assistants as funding becomes available.  Because of the initially small staff, volunteers and interns will be an integral part of helping this program to succeed.  

As with any community program, before any program can begin, it must have the necessary funding.  There are different funding sources available to help DCCLP become a reality enable to make a positive change in our community.  Donations and sponsorships from members of community will be pertinent. DCCLP’s goal would be to become a state-licensed child-care center which would allow us to receive funding from the Child Care and Development Fund in order to keep this program free or low-cost.  21st Century Community Learning Centers provides funding to community based organizations that provide opportunities for academic enrichment.  The Carol M. White Physical Education Program provides a grant that supports innovative approach to health and physical activity.  Funding may also be available from Delaware’s “Race to the Top” grant program as in section (E)(2) of the Race to the Top grant requires “increased learning time” as a goal of turning around the lowest-achieving schools.  

Description of Client System

Our clients will consist of clients from different backgrounds in the Wilmington / Claymont area.   After DCCLP shows its effectiveness in this smaller location, it will be able to expand throughout the State of Delaware. The children will range in age from five years old to eighteen years old with a mix of both male and females. DCCLP aims to have our children consist of a diverse group of races and socio-economic backgrounds.  DCCLP will not discriminate against any child or family based on race, gender or socio-economic background, but will instead embrace these differences and encourage the children as well as their families to become more culturally competent.  Many of the children will likely have working parents who will find great support in having their children at a safe location while they are at their place of employment.  

Addressing the Problem

There are many issues that are affecting children and youth in our communities.  Unfortunately in Delaware, many students are not meeting academic standards.  For instance, the NAEP Math Scores in 2009 only 36% of the 4th graders scored proficient and above, 47% scored basic and 16% scored below basic.  DCCLP will align itself with the educational goals of Delaware’s “Race to the Top” grant program, with goals such as achieving 60% proficient or advanced on NAEP 4th grade math by 2014-15(Delaware’s Education Plan Overview, 2010).  Approximately 40% of Delaware’s children and youth are affected by childhood overweight and obesity, which is higher than the National Average of 35% (Nemours Health & Prevention Services, 2011).  In Delaware, 31% (45,011) of K-12 youth are responsible for taking care of themselves after school (Afterschool Alliance, America After 3 PM, 2009).  These problems may at first glance seem unique, but they are all interrelated and should be addressed in a program that combines solutions and education from every aspect.


The process of IMAGINE includes having an innovative idea, mustering support and formulating an action system, identifying and utilizing assets, specifying goals and objectives, implementing a plan, neutralizing opposition and evaluating the process.  Delaware Children’s Community Learning Program utilizes this plan as shown:

I (nnovative Idea)
• An afterschool program that focuses on not one single aspect of the problems of our children, but incorporating many different aspects together.  
• Incorporating programs already in place such as the 5-2-1- Almost None Formula
• Utilizing evidence-based skill training programs to help promote personal skills, social skills and self-esteem

M(uster Support and Formulate an Action System)
• Support from volunteers
• Strong partnerships with schools
• Involvement with family members

A(ssets- Identify and Utilize)
         Possible funding from donations and sponsorships
         Possible grant funding from 21st Century Community Learning Centers and
Delaware’s “Race to the Top”
         Volunteers and Supporters

G(oals- Specify Goals and Objectives)

         Increase completion and quality of homework assignments.
         Improve children’s reading levels and help the students meet academic standards
         Improve the children’s personal skills, social skills and self-esteem
         Increase health and physical education and lower obesity rates

I(mplement Plan)
         Necessary to find location and possibly transportation
         Set up staff and volunteer database
         Set up schedule, programs, activities and snack plan

N(eutralize Opposition)
         Promote organization prior to school year in order to ensure proper attendance
         Use evidence-based practices in order to promote the most positive outcomes
         Hire and train qualified and caring staff and volunteers

E(valuate the Process)
         Observe DCCLP once the program has been established
         ​Obtain feedback from parents, students and teachers on the students’ experience
         ​After an appropriate amount of time, compare students’ academic performance

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I wore Wednesday- my first try!

I actually wore this the Friday before last- it sometimes takes me a while to post things :b

I'm going to have to figure out the best place to take pictures from a good angle.  I'm also doing Weight Watchers, so this will give me a good reference of how I'm looking in my clothes.  So here's what I wore:

Pink & Gray Argyle Sweater from New York & Company, underneath the sweater I have on my Maidenform at Home Black Slimming Tank (not currently available- was a special offer for Hosts and Consultants in March), Jeans from Gap and the adorable Peach Chrysanthemum Flower Necklace  from Love Stitched that I actually purchased from Groopdealz

Where I wore it: The plan was to wear this to my internship for casual Friday but instead it was spent taking my 5 year old to the doctor thinking he had strep only to find out that it was suspected he had mono!  We then went to AI DuPont Children's Hospital to get blood work done which confirmed that he did in fact have Mono- what a day :(

Friday, April 8, 2011

Quick Tip: Flipping a video on windows media player so that it's not on it's side

I recently took a video of my two year old dancing with his Mickey Mouse toy, but I had the camera to the side and had to figure out how to flip it.  Here's what I found from Yahoo Answers:

Using Windows Movie Maker...

1. Import the video.

2. Drag it into the timeline

3. Right-click on the clip and select Video Effects...

4. Select either Rotate 90 or Rotate 270 and Add it to the Displayed Effects list

5. Save the Movie File under a new name.

I was able to fix the above video to this:

Groopdealz- April 8th

Remember yesterday when I had said that I've only purchased two things from Groopdealz  so far.  Well one of the items was a necklace made by Love Stitched.  Luckily for you, they have another necklace listed on  Groopdealz today. It's a lot more funky than the Peach Chrysanthemum Flower Necklace

that I had ordered (and I mean funky in a good way).  I think it would look great against a plain tee as the backdrop!  In the picture they have it paired with a white color, but I can't pull off white tees- I just make too much of a mess!  But I could totally see it with a brown tee like this Coffee Brown Shirred V-Neck Top from New York and Company that just happens to be on sale for their Deal of the Day for $7.99. Although I'm wondering if the top is cut too low.

Maybe even paired with this cute Women's Pintucked Lace Trim Tank Dress from Old Navy

                                                                              Love it!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pudding Time

I love that even with all their technology loves- my 2 year old opens apps on my ipad and my 5 year old makes videos for Youtube, my boys still get such a thrill out of simple things like making vanilla pudding :)

Groopdealz- My Fave Today :)

I'm pretty new to Groopdealz, I've only ordered two items so far, but they always have super cute reasonable priced items.  Today they have 3 items up on their dealz that are all lovely but my favorite is the "Did Someone Say Chocolate Bunnies" Vinyl made by Summer Scraps, perfect for Easter. I would totally order it, but I don't have a plate or other fun item to put it on.  I'm definitely going to have to keep an eye out for something because I am always seeing fun vinyls that I want!