Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Celebration! Free Water Ice from Rita's

The other day when it was pretty nice out, my 5 year old Matthew told me that he thinks it's summer now :)  Well not quite, but it is Spring- finally!

Thanks to Mama Cheaps for reminding me that you can go to Rita's Water Ice between noon and 9 pm and get a Free water ice!

For some reason, I've had it in my head that the free water ice was always on the first day of summer.  Is it both or did I just totally make that up? I do know that there has been more than one year that I have gone on the wrong day, either the day before or the day after!

Also, I saw on their website that Rita's Water Ice has also teamed up with Recycle Bank to offer members $1 of a $5 purchase- every little bit counts!

Enjoy your water ice!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

For Japan with Love

Many bloggers, including A Diary of Lovely who I first heard about this from are joining in on a bloggers day of silence and fundraiser.  This will be my only post today.

To donate, please go to: First Giving

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The start of my Easter Basket Shopping

I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday with my boys so they could hang out and play with the train table and I could start scooping out some Easter Basket ideas.  Why it is so much fun to play with the train table at Barnes and Noble and their favorite store Yo Yo Joe's, when we have a train table at home, I will never know.  My 2 year old was really into this Max stuffed rabbit, so I ordered him that. 

Yesterday while at  Barnes and Noble purchased the Lego Banana Balance for my 5 year old with a gift card that my friend had sent for Christmas:

My 5 year old is all about Legos right now, so I ordered him the Lego City Police Dog Unit for his basket from the Easter Bunny. 

I ordered these two things online from, one because my children were with me in the store and like I mentioned, these gifts are from the Easter Bunny and two, because I had bought a $20 gift certificate from Groupon  for only $10 that needs to be used by April 10th.  So my total for Max and the Lego City Police Dog Unit was $25.90 ($12.95 each) with free shipping and I used my gift certificate from Groupon to make it only $5.90 that I was charged on my credit card (plus I had already paid $10, so $15.90 total).

Monday, March 14, 2011

Quick Tip: Use Nail Polish to get (most of) Sharpie off Wood

I knew my 2 year old son was being too quiet, when I came into the computer room I saw this:

The culprit:  

A quick google search told me that nail polish remover or Mr. Clean Magic Eraser should do the trick.  This is the desk after the nail polish remover. 

Still not great, but better.  I used the Magic Eraser after the nail polish remover, but it wasn't able to help much more. I'm thinking I might be spray painting this desk eventually.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bra Fitting Tips

I'm a specialist for Maidenform at Home, so I figured that it would be nice to occasionally post some Bra Fitting Tips.
Bra fitting tip: Is your band constantly riding up in the back? If it is it is probably your band size is probably too big and you may need to size down, example, if you are a 36C, you may need to go down to a 34C. 
 If you live in the Delaware/Philly area and would like to get a personalized custom fitting, contact me at