Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday's Grants: Using Music to Teach Mathematics Grant- Deadline11/11/11

Using Music to Teach Mathematics Grants for Grades PreK-2 Teachers

Deadline: 11/11/11

Amount: $3,000 on average

The purpose of this grant is to incorporate music into the elementary school classroom to help young students learn mathematics. For 2012–2013, grants with a maximum of $3,000 each will be awarded to persons currently teaching mathematics in grades PreK–2 level. This award is for individual classroom teachers* or small groups of teachers collaborating in one grade or across grade levels. Any acquisition of equipment must support the proposed plan but not be the primary focus of the grant. Proposals must address the following: the combining of mathematics and music; the plan for improving students’ learning of mathematics; and the anticipated impact on students’ achievement.

To apply, please visit: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday's Grants: Fuel up to Play 60 Grant- Deadline 12/01/11

Monday's Grants

Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant


There are three funding application deadlines left during the 2011-12 school year:
  • December 1, 2011
  • February 1, 2012
  • June 1, 2012 (If approved for funding, the money will be distributed after June 30, 2012, and will count toward the school’s funding for the 2012-13 school year.
Amount: $300-$4,000 per year

What is the purpose of the Funds?
The purpose of Funds for Fuel Up to Play 60 is to help your school increase:
  • student awareness of the importance of healthy eating and increased physical activity;
  • student access to and consumption of nutrient-rich foods, including low-fat and fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains;
  • student opportunities for and participation in physical activity in school;
  • sustainable changes in making your school a healthier place.
How can our school use the Funds?

Funds for Fuel Up to Play 60 may be used to support a range of different program-related activities. Perhaps you need funding to help implement specific Healthy Eating or Physical Activity Plays. The Fuel Up to Play 60 Playbook provides dozens of possible Plays, or action strategies, your school can use or adapt – or you can develop your own Plays.

Additionally, you might ask for Funds to help with project expenses, equipment or other out-of-pocket costs. Or perhaps you want funding to assist with the costs of general program initiatives, such as promotion, student engagement and motivation, staff engagement, family engagement and outreach and/or tracking and measurement.

Whether you’re requesting Funds to help with specific Plays or to support general program initiatives, you must explain how you’re addressing both healthy eating and physical activity in your Fuel Up to Play 60 program.

Funds for Fuel Up to Play 60

Up to $4,000 per year is available to any qualifying K-12 school enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60. The competitive, nationwide funding program can help your school jumpstart and sustain healthy nutrition and physical activity improvements.
Whether you’re just starting out with Fuel Up to Play 60 or looking to expand and extend an initiative that’s already in motion, Funds for Fuel Up to Play 60 can help.


Schools applying for Funds for Fuel Up to Play 60 must:
  • Be enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60 for the 2011-12 school year (if your school is not enrolled, enroll here)
  • Participate in the National School Lunch Program
  • Complete and submit an online Funds for Fuel Up to Play 60 application form (download a PDF of the application form here)
  • Complete the School Wellness Investigation (schools may work on the funding application before completing the School Wellness Investigation, but before the funding application may be submitted, the School Wellness Investigation must be completed and submitted online)
  • Have support and involvement from the school principal, school nutrition professional, lead physical education teacher and the school’s Fuel Up to Play 60 Program Advisor
Remember: Your school must be enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60 for the 2011-2012 school year to be eligible to apply for Funds. Enroll today

Application Deadlines
There are four funding application deadlines during the 2011-12 school year:
  • October 1, 2011
  • December 1, 2011
  • February 1, 2012
  • June 1, 2012 (If approved for funding, the money will be distributed after June 30, 2012, and will count toward the school’s funding for the 2012-13 school year.)
Schools may submit an application during more than one funding cycle per school year. The total amount of money awarded for the 2011-12 school year (June/October/December 2011 and February 2012 deadlines) can be up to $4,000. The request for funds in the June 1, 2012, application deadline can be up to $4,000 and will count toward the school’s funding for the 2012-13 school year.

To apply, please visit: Fuel up to Play 60

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Starting my weight loss journey, um, once again.

                           When I look at this pic with the beautiful background, my eye goes to my middle :(

A couple of days ago I decide to really take the time to focus on myself and try to take off the pounds that have slowly crept up on me.  With a petite frame of 5'2 and at my highest weight ever of 149 pounds (not including pregnancy or right after pregnancy), my body mass index or BMI is calculated at 27.2 which is considered overweight.  I went to The National Hearl Lung and Blood Intitute's website to calculate this.  One indicator of health and risks associated with weight is your waist size.  I have not measured my waist but that is where all of my weight is, my arms are fine, my legs are a bit big, but they've always been that way.  Where I've really noticed it is around my waist- which is no more apparent than when getting dressed.  Anyone else who is also on a journey, I invite you to join me and we can help support each other!